Monday, August 10, 2009

Pre-Departure Blues

The hardest part about leaving, in addition to the uncertainty, is this kind of intangible sorrow that follows whenever I have to say goodbye to people. Even though I'm only going to be gone for a little over three months and will have some form of internet to communicate with whoever wants communicating with, it still sends a little pang when I sit down and realize that I won't see person X or group Y for a very long time. I just spent the weekend seeing off three friends, one of whom is going away to Paris for a full year, and it was pretty difficult. Personally, I think it's the perceived loneliness of abroad combined with that fear of the unknown- it would be much easier to do Bali if Bali was just like this summer's group of friends transported to another country. That way there would be no missing out on anything, everyone would still be together, all that good stuff. (As an aside, I'm pretty lucky in that I get to go abroad with one of my very good... the hell with it. My girlfriend is coming with. No sense in hiding that. So that's a pretty solid social base/support net I have there). But still, continuing my misplaced parenthetical thought, it's difficult to leave friends behind, even if all the friends are leaving each other behind. It's nice that we're (well, I am) so happy and delighted and entertained by everyone that it bums us out so much to go, but at the same time it's just making the transition even less pleasant.

Just thought I'd share that, more for me to look back on than for you, unless you happen to be one of these aforementioned friends being left/leaving others behind. In which case, you're not alone, we can have a nice big blues fest and then rejoice in the thoughts of our eventual reunion. In more pertinent news to the trip, still no word on visa acceptance yet, but I'm sure it'll be on its way soon enough. Only for distant thoughts of packing and attempts at getting back into an excited mood.

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